
01 December 2012

Nature's Canvas 2

When I put up Nature’s Canvas 1 in August 2012, I was not sure that there will be a follow-up.  But, if you ask me now, I would say I would not know how many sequels there will be.

One thing though, as they say, ‘ Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder’, so it might not necessarily appeal to some of you. Yes, you are right, it definitely is not going to deter me. For me these pictures that I put up have their own unique attraction and beauty.
So, enjoy the ride as much as I have and thanks for taking time to do so.

The yellow flowers in the photo above and the red fruit in the photo below are from the same plant. Fasinating, isn't it? No, I do not know the name of the plant. The photos are from my neighbour's plant. I had previously planted this shrub, but not anymore.

This is one of my favourite flowers, partly because my hubby cared so well for it and it blooms so well.It's flowers exude a light, enchanting fragrance. The photo below is from the same plant and that is its ripen fruit. I was happy to be able to snap this before the birds get to it.

Beautiful, purple lily gives me so much pleasure

I enjoy the light reflected on the water and the leaves. The  flower buds standing majestically, basking in the light
The rambutans lend some colour to the dark twined trunks. :-)
These colourful Crotons look their best after the rain in the morning light.

Fresh and beautiful
Another type of Crotons bathing in sunlight and raindrops
Insects love the rain too

 The pink bougainvillea emerging blooms, common to some but gorgeous to me

Interplay of sunlight and raindrops on Palm fronds
What was I thinking when I took this? My fasination with raindrops
For this shadow image, I have to wait for right moment
The fragrant limau purut bud, flowers and fruit

Wild? So green and luscious, isn't it?

Crimson beauty
Definitely, one of my favourite flowering shrub. This is its bud and so beautiful.

My favourite again, I love the way the bud displays itself, the flower and the young fruit. ......                                               and the fallen petal, so soft and light

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